Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Popular Literature: Newspapers & Magazines

Last semester I taught a one-credit, information-literacy course for the first time.  For some of my outlines, I wrote them out longhand, so I am going back and typing or keying them in Microsoft Word software.  Today I revisited my outline on searching for popular literature.  In doing so I added a few things to the outline, mostly in the details, such as specific internet sites where someone can find newspaper articles or names of databases archiving newspapers or magazines. 
Photo from editorsweblog.org
A PowerPoint Presentation on Popular Literature can also be viewed.  Do you ever use newspapers and magazines in scholarly research?  Students in my class said that they have been told to avoid these sources of information.  Similarly, I do encourage them to find most of their sources in academic journals and scholarly books, but it seems that college students should also be aware of current events and know where and how to access popular literature.  Alluding to current events can be illustrative and helpful in arguing a point in a research paper, thus making it a bit more relevant and interesting to read.
Photo by inju on Flickr.com.
To see more of my outlines and materials, look at the ACAD 1199: Information Research site.

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